Synonyms for hardness

Synonyms for (noun) hardness

Synonyms: rigor, rigorousness, rigour, rigourousness, severeness, severity, inclemency, hardness, harshness, stiffness

Definition: excessive sternness

Usage: severity of character; the harshness of his punishment was inhuman; the rigors of boot camp

Similar words: sternness, strictness

Definition: uncompromising resolution

Synonyms: hardness, ruggedness

Definition: the quality of being difficult to do

Usage: he assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness; the ruggedness of his exams caused half the class to fail

Similar words: difficultness, difficulty

Definition: the quality of being difficult

Usage: they agreed about the difficulty of the climb

Synonyms: unfeelingness, insensibility, hardness, callosity, callousness

Definition: devoid of passion or feeling; hardheartedness

Similar words: insensitiveness, insensitivity

Definition: the inability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment

Synonyms: hardness

Definition: a quality of water that contains dissolved mineral salts that prevent soap from lathering

Usage: the costs of reducing hardness depend on the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium compounds that are present

Similar words: quality

Definition: an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone

Usage: the quality of mercy is not strained--Shakespeare

Synonyms: hardness

Definition: the property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on Mohs scale

Similar words: eubstance, consistence, consistency, body

Definition: the property of holding together and retaining its shape

Usage: wool has more body than rayon; when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake

Visual thesaurus for hardness