Synonyms for trumpeter

Synonyms for (noun) trumpeter

Synonyms: Cygnus buccinator, trumpeter, trumpeter swan

Definition: large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry

Similar words: swan

Definition: stately heavy-bodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usually white plumage as adult

Synonyms: trumpeter

Definition: large gregarious crane-like bird of the forests of South America having glossy black plumage and a loud prolonged cry; easily domesticated

Similar words: wader, wading bird

Definition: any of many long-legged birds that wade in water in search of food

Synonyms: herald, trumpeter

Definition: (formal) a person who announces important news

Usage: the chieftain had a herald who announced his arrival with a trumpet

Similar words: messenger, courier

Definition: a person who carries a message

Synonyms: trumpeter, cornetist

Definition: a musician who plays the trumpet or cornet

Similar words: musician, player, instrumentalist

Definition: someone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession)

Visual thesaurus for trumpeter