Synonyms for tartar

Synonyms for (noun) tartar

Synonyms: tartar, tophus, calculus

Definition: an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums

Similar words: crust, encrustation, incrustation

Definition: a hard outer layer that covers something

Synonyms: Tartar, Tatar, Mongol Tatar

Definition: a member of the Mongolian people of central Asia who invaded Russia in the 13th century

Similar words: Mongol, Mongolian

Definition: a member of the nomadic peoples of Mongolia

Synonyms: dragon, tartar

Definition: a fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman

Similar words: unpleasant woman, disagreeable woman

Definition: a woman who is an unpleasant person

Synonyms: cream of tartar, potassium bitartrate, potassium hydrogen tartrate, tartar

Definition: a salt used especially in baking powder

Similar words: salt

Definition: a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal)

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