Synonyms for paranormal

Synonyms for (adj) paranormal

Synonyms: paranormal

Definition: not in accordance with scientific laws

Usage: what seemed to be paranormal manifestations

Similar words: parapsychological

Definition: beyond normal physical explanation

Similar words: psychic, psychical

Definition: outside the sphere of physical science

Usage: psychic phenomena

Similar words: psychokinetic

Definition: moving an object without apparent use of physical means

Similar words: supernormal, supranormal

Definition: beyond the range of the normal or scientifically explainable

Usage: supernormal intimations

Synonyms: paranormal, extrasensory

Definition: seemingly outside normal sensory channels

Similar words: clairvoyant

Definition: perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses

Similar words: telegnostic

Definition: obtaining knowledge of distant events allegedly without use of normal sensory mechanisms

Similar words: telepathic

Definition: communicating without apparent physical signals

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