Synonyms for galvanise

Synonyms for (verb) galvanise

Synonyms: galvanise, galvanize

Definition: stimulate (muscles) by administering a shock

Similar words: shock

Definition: subject to electrical shocks

Synonyms: galvanise, galvanize

Definition: cover with zinc

Usage: galvanize steel

Similar words: surface, coat

Definition: put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface

Usage: coat the cake with chocolate

Synonyms: startle, galvanise, galvanize

Definition: to stimulate to action

Usage: ..startled him awake; galvanized into action

Similar words: blow out of the water, ball over, shock, floor, take aback

Definition: surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off

Usage: I was floored when I heard that I was promoted

Visual thesaurus for galvanise