Synonyms for erosion

Synonyms for (noun) erosion

Synonyms: erosion, corroding, corrosion

Definition: erosion by chemical action

Similar words: chemical action, chemical change, chemical process

Definition: (chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved

Synonyms: eroding, erosion, eating away, wearing, wearing away

Definition: (geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it)

Similar words: geologic process, geological process

Definition: (geology) a natural process whereby geological features are modified

Synonyms: erosion

Definition: a gradual decline of something

Usage: after the accounting scandal there was an erosion of confidence in the auditors

Similar words: decline, diminution

Definition: change toward something smaller or lower

Synonyms: erosion

Definition: condition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind

Similar words: environmental condition

Definition: the state of the environment

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