Synonyms for deputy

Synonyms for (noun) deputy

Synonyms: deputy, lieutenant

Definition: an assistant with power to act when his superior is absent

Similar words: assistant, help, helper, supporter

Definition: a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose

Usage: my invaluable assistant; they hired additional help to finish the work

Synonyms: deputy, deputy sheriff

Definition: someone authorized to exercise the powers of sheriff in emergencies

Similar words: law officer, lawman, peace officer

Definition: an officer of the law

Synonyms: deputy, surrogate

Definition: a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others

Similar words: agent

Definition: a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations

Synonyms: deputy

Definition: a member of the lower chamber of a legislative assembly (such as in France)

Similar words: legislator

Definition: someone who makes or enacts laws

Visual thesaurus for deputy