Synonyms for depreciate

Synonyms for (verb) depreciate

Synonyms: undervalue, devaluate, devalue, depreciate

Definition: lose in value

Usage: The dollar depreciated again

Similar words: fall, lessen, diminish, decrease

Definition: decrease in size, extent, or range

Usage: The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester; The cabin pressure fell dramatically; her weight fell to under a hundred pounds; his voice fell to a whisper

Synonyms: depreciate

Definition: lower the value of something

Usage: The Fed depreciated the dollar once again

Similar words: devalue

Definition: lower the value or quality of

Usage: The tear devalues the painting

Synonyms: deprecate, depreciate, vilipend

Definition: belittle

Usage: The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts

Similar words: belittle, pick at, disparage

Definition: express a negative opinion of

Usage: She disparaged her student's efforts

Visual thesaurus for depreciate