Synonyms for crowned

Synonyms for (adj) crowned

Synonyms: crowned

Definition: provided with or as if with a crown or a crown as specified; often used in combination

Usage: a high-crowned hat; an orange-crowned bird; a crowned signet ring

Similar words: capped

Definition: covered as if with a cap or crown especially of a specified kind

Usage: cloud-capped mountains; brown-capped mushrooms; snow-capped peaks

Similar words: chapleted

Definition: provided with a chaplet

Similar words: comate, comose

Definition: bearing a coma; crowned with an assemblage of branches or leaves or bracts

Usage: comate royal palms; pineapples are comate

Similar words: high-crowned

Definition: (of a hat) having a high crown

Similar words: royal

Definition: invested with royal power as symbolized by a crown

Usage: the royal (or crowned) heads of Europe

Synonyms: crowned

Definition: having an (artificial) crown on a tooth

Usage: had many crowned teeth

Similar words: capped

Definition: used especially of front teeth having (artificial) crowns

Usage: capped teeth gave her a beautiful smile

Visual thesaurus for crowned