Synonyms for accommodative

Synonyms for (adj) accommodative

Synonyms: accommodating, accommodative

Definition: helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation

Usage: the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in; made a special effort to be accommodating

Similar words: complaisant, obliging

Definition: showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others

Usage: to close one's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover; the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave

Synonyms: accommodative, reconciling

Definition: tending to reconcile or accommodate; bringing into harmony

Similar words: adaptative, adaptive

Definition: having a capacity for adaptation

Usage: the adaptive coloring of a chameleon

Synonyms: accommodative, cooperative

Definition: willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreement

Similar words: noncompetitive

Definition: not involving competition or competitiveness

Usage: noncompetitive positions; noncompetitive interest in games

Visual thesaurus for accommodative