Synonyms for Reef

Synonyms for (noun) Reef

Synonyms: reef

Definition: one of several strips across a sail that can be taken in or rolled up to lessen the area of the sail that is exposed to the wind

Similar words: strip, slip

Definition: artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material

Synonyms: Reef, Rand, Witwatersrand

Definition: a rocky region in the southern Transvaal in northeastern South Africa; contains rich gold deposits and coal and manganese

Similar words: region, part

Definition: the extended spatial location of something

Usage: the farming regions of France; religions in all parts of the world; regions of outer space

Synonyms: reef

Definition: a submerged ridge of rock or coral near the surface of the water

Similar words: ridge

Definition: a long narrow natural elevation or striation

Synonyms for (verb) Reef

Synonyms: reef

Definition: reduce (a sail) by taking in a reef

Similar words: shrink, reduce

Definition: reduce in size; reduce physically

Usage: Hot water will shrink the sweater; Can you shrink this image?

Synonyms: reef

Definition: roll up (a portion of a sail) in order to reduce its area

Similar words: roll up, furl

Definition: form into a cylinder by rolling

Usage: Roll up the cloth

Synonyms: reef

Definition: lower and bring partially inboard

Usage: reef the sailboat's mast

Similar words: bring down, let down, lower, get down, take down

Definition: move something or somebody to a lower position

Usage: take down the vase from the shelf

Visual thesaurus for Reef