Synonyms for Northwest

Synonyms for (noun) Northwest

Synonyms: northwest

Definition: a location in the northwestern part of a country, region, or city

Similar words: location

Definition: a point or extent in space

Synonyms: Northwest, northwestern United States

Definition: the northwestern region of the United States

Similar words: geographic area, geographic region, geographical area, geographical region

Definition: a demarcated area of the Earth

Synonyms: northwest, northwestward, NW, nor'-west

Definition: the compass point midway between north and west; at 315 degrees

Similar words: point, compass point

Definition: any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass

Usage: he checked the point on his compass

Synonyms: northwest

Definition: the direction corresponding to the northwestward compass point

Similar words: direction

Definition: the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves

Usage: he checked the direction and velocity of the wind

Synonyms for (adj) Northwest

Synonyms: northwest, northwesterly, northwestern

Definition: situated in or oriented toward the northwest

Similar words: north

Definition: situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north

Usage: artists like north light; the north portico

Synonyms: northwest, northwesterly

Definition: coming from the northwest

Usage: northwesterly winds

Similar words: north

Definition: situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north

Usage: artists like north light; the north portico

Visual thesaurus for Northwest