Synonyms for Mephitis

Synonyms for (noun) Mephitis

Synonyms: Mephitis, genus Mephitis

Definition: in some classifications: type genus of the subfamily Mephitinae

Similar words: mammal genus

Definition: a genus of mammals

Synonyms: stench, stink, reek, malodor, malodour, mephitis, foetor, fetor

Definition: a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant

Similar words: odor, odour, olfactory perception, olfactory sensation, smell

Definition: the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form

Usage: she loved the smell of roses

Synonyms: mephitis

Definition: a poisonous or foul smelling gas emitted from the earth

Similar words: gas

Definition: a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely

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