Synonyms for Hollywood

Synonyms for (noun) Hollywood

Synonyms: Hollywood

Definition: the film industry of the United States

Similar words: film industry, movie industry

Definition: the entertainment industries involved in producing and distributing movies

Synonyms: Hollywood

Definition: a district of Los Angeles long associated with the American film industry

Similar words: city district

Definition: a district of a town or city

Synonyms: Hollywood

Definition: a flashy vulgar tone or atmosphere believed to be characteristic of the American film industry

Usage: some people in publishing think of theirs as a glamorous medium so they copy the glitter of Hollywood

Similar words: look, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, tone, smell, spirit

Definition: the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people

Usage: the feel of the city excited him; a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting; it had the smell of treason

Synonyms for (adj) Hollywood

Synonyms: Hollywood

Definition: flashy and vulgar

Usage: young white women dressed Hollywood style; Hollywood philandering

Similar words: indecent

Definition: offensive to good taste especially in sexual matters

Usage: an earthy but not indecent story; an indecent gesture

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