Antonyms for straight

Antonyms for (adj) straight

Main entry: straight

Definition: (of hair) having no waves or curls

Usage: her naturally straight hair hung long and silky

Antonyms: curly

Definition: (of hair) having curls or waves

Main entry: straight

Definition: having no deviations

Usage: straight lines; straight roads across the desert; straight teeth; straight shoulders

Antonyms: crooked

Definition: having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned

Antonyms: nonaligned

Definition: not affiliated with any faction, party, or cause

Main entry: straight

Definition: free from curves or angles

Usage: a straight line

Antonyms: curved, curving

Definition: having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend

Main entry: straight, square

Definition: characterized by honesty and fairness

Usage: straight dealing; a square deal

Antonyms: corrupt, crooked

Definition: not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive

Main entry: straight, uncoiled

Definition: no longer coiled

Antonyms: coiled

Definition: curled or wound (especially in concentric rings or spirals)

Main entry: straight

Definition: following a correct or logical method

Usage: straight reasoning

Antonyms: wrong, wrongfulness

Definition: that which is contrary to the principles of justice or law

Antonyms: left

Definition: location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east

Antonyms: wrong

Definition: treat unjustly; do wrong to

Antonyms: wrong, incorrect

Definition: not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth

Antonyms: wrong

Definition: based on or acting or judging in error

Antonyms: left

Definition: of or belonging to the political or intellectual left

Antonyms: center

Definition: of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually

Antonyms: left

Definition: being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north

Antonyms: wrong

Definition: contrary to conscience or morality or law

Antonyms: incorrectly, wrong, wrongly

Definition: in an inaccurate manner

Antonyms: left

Definition: toward or on the left; also used figuratively

Antonyms: falsify

Definition: falsify knowingly

Main entry: straight

Definition: neatly arranged; not disorderly

Usage: the room is straight now

Antonyms: untidy

Definition: not neat and tidy

Main entry: unbent, unbowed, straight

Definition: erect in posture

Usage: sit straight; stood defiantly with unbowed back

Antonyms: horizontal

Definition: parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line

Antonyms: inclined

Definition: at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position

Antonyms: unerect

Definition: not upright in position or posture

Main entry: straight

Definition: not homosexual

Antonyms: bisexual

Definition: sexually attracted to both sexes

Antonyms: homosexual

Definition: sexually attracted to members of your own sex

Main entry: straight, true

Definition: accurately fitted; level

Usage: the window frame isn't quite true

Antonyms: uneven

Definition: not even or uniform as e.g. in shape or texture

Antonyms: uneven, odd

Definition: not divisible by two

Main entry: square, straight, straightforward

Definition: without evasion or compromise

Usage: a square contradiction; he is not being as straightforward as it appears

Antonyms: indirect

Definition: not direct in spatial dimension; not leading by a straight line or course to a destination

Antonyms: alternating

Definition: (of a current) reversing direction

Antonyms: indirect

Definition: extended senses; not direct in manner or language or behavior or action

Antonyms: inverse

Definition: opposite in nature or effect or relation to another quantity

Antonyms: retrograde

Definition: moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth

Main entry: straight

Definition: in keeping with the facts

Usage: set the record straight; made sure the facts were straight in the report

Antonyms: inaccurate

Definition: not exact

Main entry: straight, consecutive

Definition: successive (without a break)

Usage: sick for five straight days

Antonyms: discontinuous, noncontinuous

Definition: not continuing without interruption in time or space

Antonyms: discontinuous

Definition: of a function or curve; possessing one or more discontinuities

Main entry: straight, square

Definition: rigidly conventional or old-fashioned

Antonyms: unconventional

Definition: not conforming to accepted rules or standards

Antonyms: unconventional

Definition: not conventional or conformist

Antonyms: nuclear, atomic

Definition: (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy

Main entry: full-strength, straight, neat

Definition: without water

Usage: took his whiskey neat

Antonyms: dilute, diluted

Definition: reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity

Antonyms for (adv) straight

Main entry: flat, directly, straight

Definition: in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly

Usage: he didn't answer directly; told me straight out; came out flat for less work and more pay

Antonyms: indirectly

Definition: not in a forthright manner

Visual thesaurus for straight