Antonyms for horizontal

Antonyms for (adj) horizontal

Main entry: horizontal

Definition: parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line

Usage: a horizontal surface

Antonyms: perpendicular, vertical

Definition: at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line

Antonyms: inclined

Definition: at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position

Antonyms: contrasty

Definition: having sharp differences between black and white

Antonyms: natural

Definition: (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone

Antonyms: sharp

Definition: (of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone

Antonyms: set up, put up, raise, rear, erect

Definition: construct, build, or erect

Antonyms: lengthways, lengthwise

Definition: running or extending in the direction of the length of a thing

Visual thesaurus for horizontal