Antonyms for soft

Antonyms for (adj) soft

Main entry: soft, piano

Definition: used chiefly as a direction or description in music

Usage: the piano passages in the composition

Antonyms: forte, loud

Definition: used chiefly as a direction or description in music

Antonyms: very loudly, fortissimo

Definition: a direction in music; to be played very loudly

Main entry: soft

Definition: yielding readily to pressure or weight

Antonyms: hard

Definition: resisting weight or pressure

Antonyms: incompressible

Definition: incapable of being compressed; resisting compression

Main entry: soft

Definition: compassionate and kind; conciliatory

Usage: he was soft on his children

Antonyms: hard

Definition: dispassionate

Main entry: soft

Definition: (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh')

Antonyms: hard

Definition: (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum

Main entry: diffuse, diffused, soft

Definition: (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected

Antonyms: hard, concentrated

Definition: (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source

Main entry: soft

Definition: (of sound) relatively low in volume

Usage: soft voices; soft music

Antonyms: loud

Definition: characterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity

Antonyms: high

Definition: a lofty level or position or degree

Antonyms: high

Definition: (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high')

Antonyms: high

Definition: greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount

Antonyms: high, high-pitched

Definition: used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency

Antonyms: active

Definition: (of the sun) characterized by an increased occurrence of sunspots and flares and radio emissions

Antonyms: noisy

Definition: full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds

Antonyms: unquiet

Definition: characterized by unrest or disorder

Antonyms: large, big

Definition: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Antonyms: big

Definition: on a grand scale

Antonyms: much

Definition: (quantifier used with mass nouns) great in quantity or degree or extent

Antonyms: sharpen

Definition: make sharp or sharper

Antonyms: bright

Definition: emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts

Antonyms: sharp

Definition: having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing

Antonyms: sharp

Definition: keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point

Antonyms: lively

Definition: full of life and energy

Antonyms: cacophonic, cacophonous

Definition: having an unpleasant sound

Main entry: soft

Definition: not protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)

Usage: soft targets

Antonyms: hardened

Definition: protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)

Main entry: soft, sonant, voiced

Definition: produced with vibration of the vocal cords

Usage: a frequently voiced opinion; voiced consonants such as `b' and `g' and `z';

Antonyms: voiceless, unvoiced, hard, surd

Definition: produced without vibration of the vocal cords

Main entry: easy, gentle, soft

Definition: having little impact

Usage: an easy pat on the shoulder; gentle rain; a gentle breeze; a soft (or light) tapping at the window

Antonyms: dark, darkness

Definition: absence of light or illumination

Antonyms: dark

Definition: devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black

Antonyms: dark

Definition: (used of color) having a dark hue

Antonyms: heavy

Definition: of comparatively great physical weight or density

Antonyms: heavy

Definition: marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness

Antonyms: heavy

Definition: unusually great in degree or quantity or number

Antonyms: heavy

Definition: (physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight

Antonyms: heavy

Definition: of great intensity or power or force

Antonyms: heavy

Definition: of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment

Main entry: soft, delicate

Definition: easily hurt

Usage: soft hands; a baby's delicate skin

Antonyms: tough

Definition: resistant to cutting or chewing

Antonyms: tough, toughened

Definition: physically toughened

Antonyms: tough

Definition: not given to gentleness or sentimentality

Main entry: flabby, flaccid, soft

Definition: out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance

Usage: he was too soft for the army; flabby around the middle; flaccid cheeks

Antonyms: fit

Definition: physically and mentally sound or healthy

Antonyms: fit

Definition: meeting adequate standards for a purpose

Main entry: soft, subdued

Definition: not brilliant or glaring

Usage: the moon cast soft shadows; soft pastel colors; subdued lighting

Antonyms: sharpen

Definition: make sharp or sharper

Antonyms: bright

Definition: emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts

Antonyms: sharp

Definition: having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing

Antonyms: sharp

Definition: keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point

Antonyms: lively

Definition: full of life and energy

Main entry: easygoing, cushy, soft

Definition: not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship

Usage: what a cushy job!; the easygoing life of a parttime consultant; a soft job

Antonyms: difficult, hard

Definition: not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure

Antonyms: uneasy

Definition: lacking a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance

Main entry: mild, soft, balmy

Definition: mild and pleasant

Usage: balmy days and nights; the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth; a soft breeze

Antonyms: inclement

Definition: used of persons or behavior; showing no clemency or mercy

Antonyms: inclement

Definition: (of weather or climate) severe

Main entry: soft, gentle

Definition: soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe

Usage: a gentle reprimand; a vein of gentle irony; poked gentle fun at him

Antonyms: intense

Definition: possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree

Main entry: soft

Definition: willing to negotiate and compromise

Antonyms: antagonistic

Definition: arousing animosity or hostility

Main entry: indulgent, soft, lenient

Definition: tolerant or lenient

Usage: indulgent parents risk spoiling their children; too soft on the children; they are soft on crime

Antonyms: unpermissive

Definition: not inclined to grant permission; severe in discipline

Antonyms: preventative, preventive

Definition: tending to prevent or hinder

Main entry: soft

Definition: using evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation

Usage: soft data; the soft sciences

Antonyms: quantitative

Definition: expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement

Main entry: soft

Definition: (of a commodity or market or currency) falling or likely to fall in value

Usage: the market for computers is soft

Antonyms: rising

Definition: advancing or becoming higher or greater in degree or value or status

Visual thesaurus for soft