Antonyms for large

Antonyms for (adj) large

Main entry: large, big

Definition: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Usage: a large city; set out for the big city; a large sum; a big (or large) barn; a large family; big businesses; a big expenditure; a large number of newspapers; a big group of scientists; large areas of the world

Antonyms: little, small

Definition: limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Antonyms: single

Definition: used of flowers having usually only one row or whorl of petals

Antonyms: shallow

Definition: lacking physical depth; having little spatial extension downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or outward from a center

Antonyms: shallow

Definition: not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply

Antonyms: scrimpy, meager, meagerly, meagre, stingy

Definition: deficient in amount or quality or extent

Antonyms: narrow

Definition: not wide

Antonyms: narrow

Definition: very limited in degree

Antonyms: intensive

Definition: of agriculture; intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor

Antonyms: unextended

Definition: not extended or stretched out

Main entry: large

Definition: having broad power and range and scope

Usage: taking the large view; a large effect; a large sympathy

Antonyms: noncomprehensive, incomprehensive

Definition: not comprehensive

Main entry: big, magnanimous, large

Definition: generous and understanding and tolerant

Usage: a heart big enough to hold no grudges; that's very big of you to be so forgiving; a large and generous spirit; a large heart; magnanimous toward his enemies

Antonyms: ungenerous, stingy

Definition: unwilling to spend

Antonyms: ungenerous, meanspirited

Definition: lacking in magnanimity

Main entry: big, with child, large, heavy, gravid, great, enceinte, expectant

Definition: in an advanced stage of pregnancy

Usage: was big with child; was great with child

Antonyms: nonpregnant

Definition: not pregnant

Main entry: big, prominent, large

Definition: conspicuous in position or importance

Usage: a big figure in the movement; big man on campus; he's very large in financial circles; a prominent citizen

Antonyms: inconspicuous, invisible

Definition: not prominent or readily noticeable

Main entry: large

Definition: fairly large or important in effect; influential

Usage: played a large role in the negotiations

Antonyms: insignificant, unimportant

Definition: devoid of importance, meaning, or force

Antonyms: nonsignificant

Definition: attributable to chance

Antonyms: unimportant

Definition: not important

Main entry: tumid, turgid, bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund

Definition: ostentatiously lofty in style

Usage: a man given to large talk; tumid political prose

Antonyms: unrhetorical

Definition: not rhetorical

Visual thesaurus for large