Antonyms for set

Antonyms for (verb) set

Main entry: set, go down, go under

Definition: disappear beyond the horizon

Usage: the sun sets early these days

Antonyms: come up, uprise, rise, ascend

Definition: come up, of celestial bodies

Antonyms for (adj) set

Main entry: set

Definition: being below the horizon

Usage: the moon is set

Antonyms: up

Definition: being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level

Antonyms: up, upward, upwardly, upwards

Definition: spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position

Antonyms: up

Definition: to a more central or a more northerly place

Antonyms: up

Definition: to a higher intensity

Main entry: primed, set, fit

Definition: (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed

Usage: in no fit state to continue; fit to drop; laughing fit to burst; she was fit to scream; primed for a fight; we are set to go at any time

Antonyms: unready

Definition: not prepared or in a state of readiness; slow to understand or respond

Main entry: set, situated, placed, located

Definition: situated in a particular spot or position

Usage: valuable centrally located urban land; strategically placed artillery; a house set on a hilltop; nicely situated on a quiet riverbank

Antonyms: unsettled

Definition: not settled or established

Antonyms: unsettled

Definition: still in doubt

Main entry: determined, dictated, set

Definition: determined or decided upon as by an authority

Usage: date and place are already determined; the dictated terms of surrender; the time set for the launching

Antonyms: unsettled

Definition: not settled or established

Antonyms: unsettled

Definition: still in doubt

Main entry: laid, set

Definition: set down according to a plan:"a carefully laid table with places set for four people"

Usage: stones laid in a pattern

Antonyms: unordered, disordered

Definition: not arranged in order

Antonyms: disarranged

Definition: having the arrangement disturbed; not in order

Main entry: set, hardened

Definition: converted to solid form (as concrete)

Antonyms: soft

Definition: yielding readily to pressure or weight

Antonyms: soft

Definition: compassionate and kind; conciliatory

Antonyms: soft

Definition: (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh')

Antonyms: diffuse, diffused, soft

Definition: (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected

Main entry: rigid, fixed, set

Definition: fixed and unmoving

Usage: with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare; his bearded face already has a set hollow look- Connor Cruise O'Brien; a face rigid with pain

Antonyms: moving

Definition: arousing or capable of arousing deep emotion

Antonyms: moving

Definition: in motion

Visual thesaurus for set