Synonyms for puncture

Synonyms for (noun) puncture

Synonyms: puncture

Definition: the act of puncturing or perforating

Similar words: activity

Definition: any specific behavior

Usage: they avoided all recreational activity

Synonyms: puncture

Definition: a small hole made by a sharp object

Similar words: hole

Definition: an opening deliberately made in or through something

Synonyms: puncture

Definition: loss of air pressure in a tire when a hole is made by some sharp object

Similar words: misadventure, mischance, mishap

Definition: an instance of misfortune

Synonyms for (verb) puncture

Synonyms: puncture

Definition: be pierced or punctured

Usage: The tire punctured

Similar words: separate, split up, come apart, break, fall apart

Definition: become separated into pieces or fragments

Usage: The figurine broke; The freshly baked loaf fell apart

Synonyms: puncture

Definition: cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing

Usage: puncture an air balloon

Similar words: decompress, depressurise, depressurize

Definition: decrease the pressure of

Usage: depressurize the cabin in the air plane

Synonyms: deflate, puncture

Definition: reduce or lessen the size or importance of

Usage: The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence

Similar words: deprecate, depreciate, vilipend

Definition: belittle

Usage: The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts

Synonyms: puncture

Definition: pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into

Usage: puncture a tire

Similar words: pierce

Definition: make a hole into

Usage: The needle pierced her flesh

Synonyms: puncture

Definition: make by piercing

Usage: puncture a hole

Similar words: make, create

Definition: make or cause to be or to become

Usage: make a mess in one's office; create a furor

Visual thesaurus for puncture