Synonyms for organizer

Synonyms for (noun) organizer

Synonyms: PDA, personal digital assistant, personal organiser, personal organizer, organiser, organizer

Definition: a lightweight consumer electronic device that looks like a hand-held computer but instead performs specific tasks; can serve as a diary or a personal database or a telephone or an alarm clock etc.

Similar words: electronic device

Definition: a device that accomplishes its purpose electronically

Synonyms: organiser, organizer, arranger

Definition: a person who brings order and organization to an enterprise

Usage: she was the organizer of the meeting

Similar words: thinker

Definition: someone who exercises the mind (usually in an effort to reach a decision)

Synonyms: labor organizer, organiser, organizer

Definition: someone who enlists workers to join a union

Similar words: union representative

Definition: a representative for a labor union

Visual thesaurus for organizer