Synonyms for nonsectarian

Synonyms for (adj) nonsectarian

Synonyms: nonsectarian, unsectarian

Definition: not restricted to one sect or school or party

Usage: religious training in a nonsectarian atmosphere; nonsectarian colleges; a wide and unsectarian interest in religion- Bertrand Russell

Similar words: oecumenic, oecumenical, ecumenic, ecumenical

Definition: concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions

Usage: ecumenical thinking; ecumenical activities; the ecumenical movement

Similar words: interchurch, interdenominational

Definition: occurring between or among or common to different churches or denominations

Usage: interchurch aid; interdenominational cooperation between Methodists and Presbyterians

Similar words: nondenominational

Definition: not restricted to a particular religious denomination

Usage: a nondenominational church

Similar words: undenominational

Definition: not bound or devoted to the promotion of a particular denomination

Usage: undenominational religious instruction

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