Synonyms for mummify

Synonyms for (verb) mummify

Synonyms: dry up, mummify

Definition: dry up and shrivel due to complete loss of moisture

Usage: a mummified body was found

Similar words: wither, shrink, shrivel, shrivel up

Definition: wither, as with a loss of moisture

Usage: The fruit dried and shriveled

Synonyms: mummify

Definition: remove the organs and dry out (a dead body) in order to preserve it

Usage: Th Egyptians mummified their pharaohs

Similar words: embalm

Definition: preserve a dead body

Synonyms: mummify

Definition: preserve while making lifeless

Usage: mummified ideas and institutions should be gotten rid of

Similar words: preserve, uphold, carry on, bear on, continue

Definition: keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last

Usage: preserve the peace in the family; continue the family tradition; Carry on the old traditions

Visual thesaurus for mummify