Synonyms for messiah

Synonyms for (noun) messiah

Synonyms: Messiah

Definition: an oratorio composed by Handel in 1742

Similar words: oratorio, cantata

Definition: a musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text

Synonyms: Messiah

Definition: the awaited king of the Jews; the promised and expected deliverer of the Jewish people

Similar words: king, male monarch, Rex

Definition: a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom

Synonyms: Messiah

Definition: Jesus Christ; considered by Christians to be the promised deliverer

Similar words: Logos, Son, Word

Definition: the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus)

Synonyms: messiah, christ

Definition: any expected deliverer

Similar words: savior, saviour, deliverer, rescuer

Definition: a person who rescues you from harm or danger

Visual thesaurus for messiah