Synonyms for irrational

Synonyms for (noun) irrational

Synonyms: irrational, irrational number

Definition: a real number that cannot be expressed as a rational number

Similar words: real, real number

Definition: any rational or irrational number

Synonyms for (adj) irrational

Synonyms: irrational

Definition: not consistent with or using reason

Usage: irrational fears; irrational animals

Similar words: unreasoning, blind

Definition: not based on reason or evidence

Usage: blind hatred; blind faith; unreasoning panic

Similar words: reasonless

Definition: not endowed with the capacity to reason

Usage: a reasonless brute

Similar words: nonrational

Definition: not based on reason

Usage: there is a great deal that is nonrational in modern culture

Similar words: superstitious

Definition: showing ignorance of the laws of nature and faith in magic or chance

Usage: finally realized that the horror he felt was superstitious in origin

Visual thesaurus for irrational