Synonyms for infest

Synonyms for (verb) infest

Synonyms: overrun, infest

Definition: invade in great numbers

Usage: the roaches infested our kitchen

Similar words: invade, occupy

Definition: march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation

Usage: Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939

Synonyms: infest

Definition: live on or in a host, as of parasites

Similar words: inhabit

Definition: be present in

Usage: sweet memories inhabit this house

Synonyms: infest, invade, overrun

Definition: occupy in large numbers or live on a host

Usage: the Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North

Similar words: inhabit

Definition: be present in

Usage: sweet memories inhabit this house

Visual thesaurus for infest