Synonyms for grill

Synonyms for (noun) grill

Synonyms: grill, grille, grillwork

Definition: a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate

Usage: he cooked hamburgers on the grill

Similar words: framework

Definition: a structure supporting or containing something

Synonyms: grill, grillroom

Definition: a restaurant where food is cooked on a grill

Similar words: restaurant, eatery, eating house, eating place

Definition: a building where people go to eat

Synonyms for (verb) grill

Synonyms: grill

Definition: cook over a grill

Usage: grill the sausages

Similar words: cook

Definition: transform and make suitable for consumption by heating

Usage: These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes

Synonyms: grill

Definition: examine thoroughly

Usage: the student was grilled for two hours on the subject of phonology

Similar words: examine

Definition: question closely

Visual thesaurus for grill