Synonyms for curtailment

Synonyms for (noun) curtailment

Synonyms: curtailment, downsizing, retrenchment

Definition: the reduction of expenditures in order to become financially stable

Similar words: saving, economy

Definition: an act of economizing; reduction in cost

Usage: it was a small economy to walk to work every day; there was a saving of 50 cents

Synonyms: curtailment, suppression

Definition: the act of withholding or withdrawing some book or writing from publication or circulation

Usage: a suppression of the newspaper

Similar words: restraint

Definition: the act of controlling by restraining someone or something

Usage: the unlawful restraint of trade

Synonyms: curtailment

Definition: the temporal property of being cut short

Similar words: shortness

Definition: the property of being of short temporal extent

Usage: the shortness of air travel time

Visual thesaurus for curtailment