Synonyms for adjusted

Synonyms for (adj) adjusted

Synonyms: adjusted

Definition: altered to accommodate to certain requirements or bring into a proper relation

Usage: an adjusted insurance claim; the car runs more smoothly with the timing adjusted

Similar words: focused

Definition: of an optical system (e.g. eye or opera glasses) adjusted to produce a clear image

Similar words: weighted

Definition: adjusted to reflect value or proportion

Usage: votes weighted according to the size of constituencies; a law weighted in favor of landlords; a weighted average

Synonyms: adjusted

Definition: adjusted to demands of daily living; showing emotional stability

Similar words: well-adjusted, well-balanced

Definition: free from psychological disorder

Usage: a well-adjusted personality

Synonyms: adjusted

Definition: (especially of garments) having the fit or style adjusted

Usage: for my wedding I had my mother's wedding dress altered to fit me

Similar words: altered

Definition: changed in form or character without becoming something else

Usage: the altered policy promised success; following an altered course we soon found ourselves back in civilization; he looked...with clouded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing- Charles Dickens

Synonyms: adjusted, familiarised, familiarized

Definition: having achieved a comfortable relation with your environment

Similar words: orientated, oriented

Definition: adjusted or located in relation to surroundings or circumstances; sometimes used in combination

Usage: the house had its large windows oriented toward the ocean view; helping freshmen become oriented to college life; the book is value-oriented throughout

Visual thesaurus for adjusted