Synonyms for Strand

Synonyms for (noun) Strand

Synonyms: chain, strand, string

Definition: a necklace made by a stringing objects together

Usage: a string of beads; a strand of pearls;

Similar words: necklace

Definition: jewelry consisting of a cord or chain (often bearing gems) worn about the neck as an ornament (especially by women)

Synonyms: strand

Definition: line consisting of a complex of fibers or filaments that are twisted together to form a thread or a rope or a cable

Similar words: line

Definition: something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible

Usage: a washing line

Synonyms: strand

Definition: a pattern forming a unity within a larger structural whole

Usage: he tried to pick up the strands of his former life; I could hear several melodic strands simultaneously

Similar words: form, pattern, shape

Definition: a perceptual structure

Usage: the composition presents problems for students of musical form; a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them

Synonyms: Strand

Definition: a street in west central London famous for its theaters and hotels

Similar words: street

Definition: a thoroughfare (usually including sidewalks) that is lined with buildings

Usage: they walked the streets of the small town; he lives on Nassau Street

Synonyms: strand

Definition: a poetic term for a shore (as the area periodically covered and uncovered by the tides)

Similar words: shore

Definition: the land along the edge of a body of water

Synonyms: fibril, filament, strand

Definition: a very slender natural or synthetic fiber

Similar words: fiber, fibre

Definition: a slender and greatly elongated substance capable of being spun into yarn

Synonyms for (verb) Strand

Synonyms: ground, run aground, strand

Definition: bring to the ground

Usage: the storm grounded the ship

Similar words: land

Definition: bring ashore

Usage: The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island

Synonyms: strand

Definition: drive (a vessel) ashore

Similar words: land

Definition: bring ashore

Usage: The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island

Synonyms: maroon, strand

Definition: leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue

Usage: the travellers were marooned

Similar words: abandon, forsake, desert, desolate

Definition: leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch

Usage: The mother deserted her children

Visual thesaurus for Strand