Antonyms for conspicuous

Antonyms for (adj) conspicuous

Main entry: conspicuous

Definition: obvious to the eye or mind

Usage: a tower conspicuous at a great distance; wore conspicuous neckties; made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening

Antonyms: inconspicuous, invisible

Definition: not prominent or readily noticeable

Antonyms: little, small

Definition: limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Antonyms: timid

Definition: showing fear and lack of confidence

Antonyms: reentrant, re-entrant

Definition: (of angles) pointing inward

Antonyms: net, nett

Definition: remaining after all deductions

Antonyms: small

Definition: on a small scale

Antonyms: unmarked

Definition: not having an identifying mark

Main entry: conspicuous, blatant, blazing

Definition: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious

Usage: blatant disregard of the law; a blatant appeal to vanity; a blazing indiscretion

Antonyms: concealed

Definition: hidden on any grounds for any motive

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