Antonyms for little

Antonyms for (adj) little

Main entry: short, little

Definition: low in stature; not tall

Usage: he was short and stocky; short in stature; a short smokestack; a little man

Antonyms: tall

Definition: great in vertical dimension; high in stature

Antonyms: loose

Definition: not compact or dense in structure or arrangement

Antonyms: thin

Definition: of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section

Antonyms: thin

Definition: relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous

Main entry: little, small

Definition: limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Usage: a little dining room; a little house; a small car; a little (or small) group

Antonyms: large, big

Definition: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Antonyms: majuscule

Definition: of or relating to a style of writing characterized by somewhat rounded capital letters; 4th to 8th centuries

Antonyms: greater

Definition: greater in size or importance or degree

Main entry: slight, little

Definition: (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a') at least some

Usage: little rain fell in May; gave it little thought; little time is left; we still have little money; a little hope remained; there's slight chance that it will work; there's a slight chance it will work

Antonyms: much

Definition: (quantifier used with mass nouns) great in quantity or degree or extent

Antonyms: large, big

Definition: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Antonyms: big

Definition: on a grand scale

Main entry: little, small

Definition: (of children and animals) young, immature

Usage: what a big little boy you are; small children

Antonyms: aged, elderly

Definition: people who are old collectively

Antonyms: old

Definition: (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age

Antonyms: mature

Definition: having reached full natural growth or development

Antonyms: mature

Definition: characteristic of maturity

Main entry: little, small, minuscule

Definition: lowercase

Usage: little a; small a; e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters

Antonyms: majuscule, upper-case letter, uppercase, capital, capital letter

Definition: one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis

Antonyms: uppercase

Definition: relating to capital letters which were kept in the top half of a compositor's type case

Main entry: little

Definition: small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context)

Usage: a nice little job; bless your little heart; my dear little mother; a sweet little deal; I'm tired of your petty little schemes; filthy little tricks; what a nasty little situation

Antonyms: unemotional

Definition: unsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion

Antonyms: cerebral, intellectual

Definition: involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct

Main entry: little, small

Definition: (of a voice) faint

Usage: a little voice; a still small voice

Antonyms: hard

Definition: resisting weight or pressure

Antonyms: hard

Definition: dispassionate

Antonyms: hard

Definition: (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum

Antonyms: hard, concentrated

Definition: (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source

Antonyms: loud

Definition: characterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity

Antonyms: hardened

Definition: protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)

Main entry: trivial, niggling, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, lilliputian, little, footling, fiddling

Definition: (informal) small and of little importance

Usage: a fiddling sum of money; a footling gesture; our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war; a little (or small) matter; a dispute over niggling details; limited to petty enterprises; piffling efforts; giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction

Antonyms: important, of import

Definition: of great significance or value

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