Synonyms for uphold

Synonyms for (verb) uphold

Synonyms: uphold

Definition: stand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles, or ideals

Similar words: fend for, support, defend

Definition: argue or speak in defense of

Usage: She supported the motion to strike

Synonyms: maintain, uphold

Definition: support against an opponent

Usage: The appellate court upheld the verdict

Similar words: reassert, confirm

Definition: strengthen or make more firm

Usage: The witnesses confirmed the victim's account

Synonyms: preserve, uphold, carry on, bear on, continue

Definition: keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last

Usage: preserve the peace in the family; continue the family tradition; Carry on the old traditions

Similar words: keep, maintain, hold

Definition: keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"

Usage: hold in place; She always held herself as a lady; The students keep me on my toes

Visual thesaurus for uphold