Synonyms for termination

Synonyms for (noun) termination

Synonyms: termination, conclusion, ending

Definition: the act of ending something

Usage: the termination of the agreement

Similar words: change of state

Definition: the act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics

Synonyms: termination, ending

Definition: the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme)

Usage: I don't like words that have -ism as an ending

Similar words: morpheme

Definition: minimal meaningful language unit; it cannot be divided into smaller meaningful units

Synonyms: outcome, result, resultant, final result, termination

Definition: something that results

Usage: he listened for the results on the radio

Similar words: ending, finish, conclusion

Definition: event whose occurrence ends something

Usage: his death marked the ending of an era; when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show

Synonyms: termination, terminus, end point, endpoint

Definition: a place where something ends or is complete

Similar words: end, terminal

Definition: either extremity of something that has length

Usage: the end of the pier; she knotted the end of the thread; they rode to the end of the line; the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix

Synonyms: termination, expiration, expiry

Definition: a coming to an end of a contract period

Usage: the expiry of his driver's license

Similar words: end, ending

Definition: the point in time at which something ends

Usage: the end of the year; the ending of warranty period

Visual thesaurus for termination