Synonyms for short-circuit

Synonyms for (verb) short-circuit

Synonyms: get around, go around, bypass, short-circuit

Definition: avoid something unpleasant or laborious

Usage: You cannot bypass these rules!

Similar words: avoid

Definition: stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something

Usage: Her former friends now avoid her

Synonyms: short, short-circuit

Definition: create a short circuit in

Similar words: make, create

Definition: make or cause to be or to become

Usage: make a mess in one's office; create a furor

Synonyms: short-circuit

Definition: hamper the progress of; impede

Usage: short-circuit warm feelings

Similar words: spoil, scotch, queer, thwart, bilk, baffle, foil, frustrate, cross

Definition: hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

Usage: What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge; foil your opponent

Visual thesaurus for short-circuit