Synonyms for sample

Synonyms for (noun) sample

Synonyms: sample

Definition: a small part of something intended as representative of the whole

Similar words: representative, illustration, instance, example

Definition: an item of information that is typical of a class or group

Usage: this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome; there is an example on page 10

Synonyms: sample, sample distribution, sampling

Definition: items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population

Similar words: statistical distribution, distribution

Definition: (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence

Synonyms: sample

Definition: all or part of a natural object that is collected and preserved as an example of its class

Similar words: natural object

Definition: an object occurring naturally; not made by man

Synonyms for (verb) sample

Synonyms: try, try out, taste, sample

Definition: take a sample of

Usage: Try these new crackers; Sample the regional dishes

Similar words: consume, have, ingest, take, take in

Definition: serve oneself to, or consume regularly

Usage: Have another bowl of chicken soup!; I don't take sugar in my coffee

Visual thesaurus for sample