Synonyms for reluctant

Synonyms for (adj) reluctant

Synonyms: reluctant

Definition: not eager

Usage: foreigners stubbornly reluctant to accept our ways; fresh from college and reluctant for the moment to marry him

Similar words: uneager

Definition: lacking interest or spirit or animation

Usage: decrepit, colorless uneager things

Synonyms: reluctant

Definition: disinclined to become involved

Usage: they were usually reluctant to socialize; reluctant to help

Similar words: disinclined

Definition: unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval

Usage: disinclined to say anything to anybody

Synonyms: reluctant, loath, loth

Definition: unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom

Usage: a reluctant smile; loath to admit a mistake

Similar words: unwilling

Definition: not disposed or inclined toward

Usage: an unwilling assistant; unwilling to face facts

Visual thesaurus for reluctant