Synonyms for nasty

Synonyms for (adj) nasty

Synonyms: foul, filthy, nasty

Definition: disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter

Usage: as filthy as a pigsty; a foul pond; a nasty pigsty of a room

Similar words: soiled, dirty, unclean

Definition: soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime

Usage: dirty unswept sidewalks; a child in dirty overalls; dirty slums; piles of dirty dishes; put his dirty feet on the clean sheet; wore an unclean shirt; mining is a dirty job; Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves

Synonyms: cruddy, nasty, smutty, foul, filthy

Definition: characterized by obscenity

Usage: had a filthy mouth; foul language; smutty jokes

Similar words: dirty

Definition: (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency

Usage: dirty words; a dirty old man; dirty books and movies; boys telling dirty jokes; has a dirty mouth

Synonyms: nasty, tight

Definition: exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent

Usage: a nasty problem; a good man to have on your side in a tight situation

Similar words: difficult, hard

Definition: not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure

Usage: a difficult task; nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access; difficult times; why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?

Synonyms: nasty, awful

Definition: offensive or even (of persons) malicious

Usage: in a nasty mood; a nasty accident; a nasty shock; a nasty smell; a nasty trick to pull; Will he say nasty things at my funeral?- Ezra Pound

Similar words: lousy, filthy, dirty

Definition: vile; despicable

Usage: a dirty (or lousy) trick; a filthy traitor

Similar words: grotty

Definition: very unpleasant or offensive

Usage: a grotty little play

Similar words: hateful, mean

Definition: characterized by malice

Usage: a hateful thing to do; in a mean mood

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