Synonyms for melioration

Synonyms for (noun) melioration

Synonyms: melioration, amelioration, betterment

Definition: the act of relieving ills and changing for the better

Similar words: improvement

Definition: the act of improving something

Usage: their improvements increased the value of the property

Synonyms: melioration

Definition: the linguistic process in which over a period of time a word grows more positive in connotation or more elevated in meaning

Similar words: drift

Definition: a process of linguistic change over a period of time

Synonyms: melioration, improvement

Definition: a condition superior to an earlier condition

Usage: the new school represents a great improvement

Similar words: condition, status

Definition: a state at a particular time

Usage: a condition (or state) of disrepair; the current status of the arms negotiations

Visual thesaurus for melioration