Synonyms for invulnerable

Synonyms for (adj) invulnerable

Synonyms: invulnerable

Definition: immune to attack; impregnable

Usage: gunners raked the beach from invulnerable positions on the cliffs

Similar words: air-tight, airtight

Definition: having no weak points

Usage: an airtight defense; an airtight argument

Similar words: shellproof, bombproof

Definition: able to resist the explosive force of bombs and shells

Usage: bombproof shelter

Similar words: defendable, defensible

Definition: capable of being defended

Similar words: entrenched

Definition: dug in

Similar words: inviolable, impregnable, unassailable, unattackable, strong, secure

Definition: immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with

Usage: an impregnable fortress; fortifications that made the frontier inviolable; a secure telephone connection

Similar words: tight

Definition: set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration

Usage: in tight formation; a tight blockade

Similar words: sheltered

Definition: protected from danger or bad weather

Usage: a sheltered harbor

Similar words: untouchable

Definition: beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment

Usage: for the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target- Newsweek

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