Synonyms for inspiration

Synonyms for (noun) inspiration

Synonyms: breathing in, inhalation, inspiration, intake, aspiration

Definition: the act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing

Similar words: breath

Definition: the process of taking in and expelling air during breathing

Usage: he took a deep breath and dived into the pool; he was fighting to his last breath

Synonyms: inspiration, stirring

Definition: arousing to a particular emotion or action

Similar words: rousing, arousal

Definition: the act of arousing

Usage: the purpose of art is the arousal of emotions

Synonyms: inspiration, brainchild

Definition: a product of your creative thinking and work

Usage: he had little respect for the inspirations of other artists; after years of work his brainchild was a tangible reality

Similar words: product, production

Definition: an artifact that has been created by someone or some process

Usage: they improve their product every year; they export most of their agricultural production

Synonyms: divine guidance, inspiration

Definition: (theology) a special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings

Usage: they believe that the books of Scripture were written under divine guidance

Similar words: cognitive factor

Definition: something immaterial (as a circumstance or influence) that contributes to producing a result

Synonyms: inspiration

Definition: a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem

Similar words: intuition

Definition: instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)

Synonyms: inspiration

Definition: arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity

Similar words: idea, thought

Definition: the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about

Usage: it was not a good idea; the thought never entered my mind

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