Synonyms for impalpable

Synonyms for (adj) impalpable

Synonyms: impalpable

Definition: imperceptible to the senses or the mind

Usage: an impalpable cloud; impalpable shadows; impalpable distinctions; as impalpable as a dream

Similar words: elusive, subtle

Definition: difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze

Usage: his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change; a subtle difference; that elusive thing the soul

Synonyms: impalpable

Definition: not perceptible to the touch

Usage: an impalpable pulse

Similar words: imperceptible, unperceivable

Definition: impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses

Usage: an imperceptible drop in temperature; an imperceptible nod; color is unperceivable to the touch

Visual thesaurus for impalpable