Synonyms for hold back

Synonyms for (verb) hold back

Synonyms: contain, hold back, arrest, check, stop, turn back

Definition: hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of

Usage: Arrest the downward trend; Check the growth of communism in South East Asia; Contain the rebel movement; Turn back the tide of communism

Similar words: defend

Definition: be on the defensive; act against an attack

Synonyms: keep back, hold, hold back, retain

Definition: secure and keep for possible future use or application

Usage: The landlord retained the security deposit; I reserve the right to disagree

Similar words: hold on, keep

Definition: retain possession of

Usage: Can I keep my old stuffed animals?; She kept her maiden name after she married

Synonyms: keep, keep back, restrain, hold back

Definition: keep under control; keep in check

Usage: suppress a smile; Keep your temper; keep your cool

Similar words: inhibit, suppress, bottle up

Definition: control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior

Synonyms: hold back, hold off, wait

Definition: wait before acting

Usage: the scientists held off announcing their results until they repeated the experiment

Similar words: move, act

Definition: perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)

Usage: think before you act; We must move quickly; The governor should act on the new energy bill; The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel

Synonyms: forbear, hold back

Definition: refrain from doing

Usage: she forbore a snicker

Similar words: forbear, refrain

Definition: resist doing something

Usage: He refrained from hitting him back; she could not forbear weeping

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