Synonyms for feeler

Synonyms for (noun) feeler

Synonyms: antenna, feeler

Definition: one of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans; typically sensitive to touch and taste

Similar words: tentacle

Definition: any of various elongated tactile or prehensile flexible organs that occur on the head or near the mouth in many animals; used for feeling or grasping or locomotion

Synonyms: barbel, feeler

Definition: slender tactile process on the jaws of a fish

Similar words: tentacle

Definition: any of various elongated tactile or prehensile flexible organs that occur on the head or near the mouth in many animals; used for feeling or grasping or locomotion

Synonyms: antenna, feeler

Definition: sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ

Usage: he had a special antenna for public relations

Similar words: sensitiveness, sensitivity

Definition: the ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment

Synonyms: overture, feeler, approach, advance

Definition: a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others

Usage: she rejected his advances

Similar words: proposition, proffer, suggestion

Definition: a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection

Usage: it was a suggestion we couldn't refuse

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