Synonyms for dishonour

Synonyms for (noun) dishonour

Synonyms: dishonor, dishonour

Definition: lacking honor or integrity

Similar words: unrighteousness

Definition: failure to adhere to moral principles

Usage: forgave us our sins and cleansed us of all unrighteousness

Synonyms: dishonor, dishonour

Definition: a state of shame or disgrace

Usage: he was resigned to a life of dishonor

Similar words: standing

Definition: social or financial or professional status or reputation

Usage: of equal standing; a member in good standing

Synonyms for (verb) dishonour

Synonyms: dishonor, dishonour

Definition: refuse to accept

Usage: dishonor checks and drafts

Similar words: turn down, decline, pass up, refuse, reject

Definition: refuse to accept

Usage: He refused my offer of hospitality

Synonyms: violate, rape, ravish, assault, dishonor, dishonour, outrage

Definition: force (someone) to have sex against their will

Usage: The woman was raped on her way home at night

Similar words: set on, assail, assault, attack

Definition: attack someone physically or emotionally

Usage: The mugger assaulted the woman; Nightmares assailed him regularly

Visual thesaurus for dishonour