Synonyms for convulse

Synonyms for (verb) convulse

Synonyms: convulse

Definition: be overcome with laughter

Similar words: laugh, express joy, express mirth

Definition: produce laughter

Synonyms: convulse

Definition: make someone convulse with laughter

Usage: The comedian convulsed the crowd

Similar words: amuse

Definition: make (somebody) laugh

Usage: The clown amused the children

Synonyms: convulse

Definition: contract involuntarily, as in a spasm

Usage: The muscles in her face convulsed

Similar words: press, compact, compress, constrict, contract, squeeze

Definition: squeeze or press together

Usage: she compressed her lips; the spasm contracted the muscle

Synonyms: convulse

Definition: cause to contract

Usage: The spasm convulses her facial muscles

Similar words: press, compact, compress, constrict, contract, squeeze

Definition: squeeze or press together

Usage: she compressed her lips; the spasm contracted the muscle

Synonyms: convulse

Definition: shake uncontrollably

Usage: earthquakes convulsed the countryside

Similar words: shake, agitate

Definition: move or cause to move back and forth

Usage: The chemist shook the flask vigorously; My hands were shaking

Synonyms: thrash, thrash about, thresh, thresh about, toss, slash, convulse, jactitate

Definition: move or stir about violently

Usage: The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed

Similar words: shake, agitate

Definition: move or cause to move back and forth

Usage: The chemist shook the flask vigorously; My hands were shaking

Visual thesaurus for convulse