Synonyms for congratulate

Synonyms for (verb) congratulate

Synonyms: compliment, congratulate

Definition: say something to someone that expresses praise

Usage: He complimented her on her last physics paper

Similar words: praise

Definition: express approval of

Usage: The parents praised their children for their academic performance

Synonyms: felicitate, congratulate

Definition: express congratulations

Similar words: bid, wish

Definition: invoke upon

Usage: wish you a nice evening; bid farewell

Synonyms: preen, congratulate

Definition: pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement

Similar words: gloat, crow, triumph

Definition: dwell on with satisfaction

Synonyms: pride, plume, congratulate

Definition: be proud of

Usage: He prides himself on making it into law school

Similar words: feel, experience

Definition: undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind

Usage: She felt resentful; He felt regret

Visual thesaurus for congratulate