Synonyms for clumsiness

Synonyms for (noun) clumsiness

Synonyms: gracelessness, clumsiness, stiffness, awkwardness

Definition: the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment)

Similar words: inelegance

Definition: the quality of lacking refinement and good taste

Synonyms: awkwardness, clumsiness

Definition: the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant

Similar words: bearing, carriage, posture

Definition: characteristic way of bearing one's body

Usage: stood with good posture

Synonyms: ineptitude, ineptness, maladroitness, awkwardness, clumsiness, slowness

Definition: unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training

Similar words: unskillfulness

Definition: a lack of cognitive skill

Visual thesaurus for clumsiness