Synonyms for bitter

Synonyms for (noun) bitter

Synonyms: bitter, bitterness

Definition: the property of having a harsh unpleasant taste

Similar words: taste property

Definition: a property appreciated via the sense of taste

Synonyms: bitter, bitterness

Definition: the taste experience when quinine or coffee is taken into the mouth

Similar words: taste, taste perception, taste sensation, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation

Definition: the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus

Usage: the candy left him with a bad taste; the melon had a delicious taste

Synonyms: bitter

Definition: English term for a dry sharp-tasting ale with strong flavor of hops (usually on draft)

Similar words: ale

Definition: a general name for beer made with a top fermenting yeast; in some of the United States an ale is (by law) a brew of more than 4% alcohol by volume

Synonyms for (verb) bitter

Synonyms: bitter

Definition: make bitter

Similar words: change taste

Definition: alter the flavor of

Synonyms for (adj) bitter

Synonyms: bitter, acrimonious

Definition: marked by strong resentment or cynicism

Usage: an acrimonious dispute; bitter about the divorce

Similar words: resentful

Definition: full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will

Usage: resentful at the way he was treated; a sullen resentful attitude

Synonyms: bitter

Definition: proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity

Usage: a bitter struggle; bitter enemies

Similar words: hostile

Definition: characterized by enmity or ill will

Usage: a hostile nation; a hostile remark; hostile actions

Synonyms: bitter

Definition: expressive of severe grief or regret

Usage: shed bitter tears

Similar words: sorrowful

Definition: experiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss

Usage: sorrowful widows; a sorrowful tale of death and despair; sorrowful news; even in laughter the heart is sorrowful- Proverbs 14:13

Synonyms: biting, bitter

Definition: causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation; used especially of cold

Usage: bitter cold; a biting wind

Similar words: painful

Definition: causing physical or psychological pain

Usage: worked with painful slowness

Synonyms: sulfurous, sulphurous, caustic, blistering, bitter, acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, virulent, vitriolic

Definition: harsh or corrosive in tone

Usage: an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose; a barrage of acid comments; her acrid remarks make her many enemies; bitter words; blistering criticism; caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics; a sulfurous denunciation; a vitriolic critique

Similar words: unpleasant

Definition: disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings

Usage: an unpleasant personality; unpleasant repercussions; unpleasant odors

Synonyms: bitter

Definition: causing a sharp and acrid taste experience

Usage: quinine is bitter

Similar words: tasty

Definition: pleasing to the sense of taste

Usage: a tasty morsel

Synonyms: bitter

Definition: very difficult to accept or bear

Usage: the bitter truth; a bitter sorrow

Similar words: unbearable, unendurable, intolerable

Definition: incapable of being put up with

Usage: an intolerable degree of sentimentality

Visual thesaurus for bitter