Synonyms for atrophy

Synonyms for (noun) atrophy

Synonyms: atrophy, withering

Definition: any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use)

Similar words: weakening

Definition: becoming weaker

Synonyms: atrophy, wasting, wasting away

Definition: a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse

Similar words: symptom

Definition: (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease

Synonyms for (verb) atrophy

Synonyms: atrophy

Definition: undergo atrophy

Usage: Muscles that are not used will atrophy

Similar words: wither, shrink, shrivel, shrivel up

Definition: wither, as with a loss of moisture

Usage: The fruit dried and shriveled

Visual thesaurus for atrophy